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Showing posts from January, 2017

Kursus combo GRAFIK & WEBSITE cara mudah

Tarikh: 19 Ogos 2017 (Sabtu) Masa: 9am - 12pm (Grafik), 2pm - 4pm (Website) Sumbangan: RM75 kepada tabung masjid Tempat: MK5, IT Block, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor. Penganjur: Masjid Al-Azhar & FSTM, KUIS & KOKUIS Academy WhatsApp Pendaftaran : peserta boleh membuat bayaran yuran penyertaan ke; Akaun Bank Muamalat  Masjid Al Azhar  (No Akaun: 12100000486710)  dan hantar salinan bayaran beserta maklumat peserta (Nama, No K/P & email) melalui Whatsapp kepada Khir  019-7464319 sebelum atau pada 5 Ogos 2017. PENAMPILAN KHAS web marketer Harussani Nor Hamsan untuk sesi sharing "How to SELL through website". Beliau akan dedahkan cara macam mana nak menjual melalui website (tertakluk). Sesi kali ini adalah kursus khidmat ummah untuk pengurusan masjid daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor. Namun ada beberapa tempat terhad yang kami peruntukan untuk oran

Better web hosting experience with

A satisfied client of hosting since 2005 . I've started developing my personal website way back since 2003. The first web hosting provider is a free web hosting service. You know that free web hosting is risky. Why? Coz it's free and they never guarantee the reliability of a free service.  If the server is down, you cannot complaint.  If the server storage corrupt and you lose all your precious files, you also cannot complaint. If their service terminated, you also cannot do anything. Before I knew, I hosted my clients’ website at a very lousy web hosting provider (shall I say P*****.net). From the day one the installation process was horrible. I need to call the support centre many times, and it took me one whole week to make sure my client’s website online. During the one year renting period, the hosting provider change my server setting more than three times. When this happen I need to spend sometime to reconfigure my client’s website s

AutocompleteTextview items from SQLite database

AutoCompleteTextView is yet another basic controls in Android. The main purpose is to provide a suggestion list while you type on the textbox (as in the image below). This time instead of listing a regular ArrayList, I will show how to populate the list from a offline database table  through SQLite. Starts by creating a new project, create a BASIC PROJECT. –> the tutorial is here .