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Better web hosting experience with

A satisfied client of hosting since 2005.

I've started developing my personal website way back since 2003. The first web hosting provider is a free web hosting service. You know that free web hosting is risky. Why? Coz it's free and they never guarantee the reliability of a free service.  If the server is down, you cannot complaint.  If the server storage corrupt and you lose all your precious files, you also cannot complaint. If their service terminated, you also cannot do anything.

Before I knew, I hosted my clients’ website at a very lousy web hosting provider (shall I say P*****.net). From the day one the installation process was horrible. I need to call the support centre many times, and it took me one whole week to make sure my client’s website online. During the one year renting period, the hosting provider change my server setting more than three times. When this happen I need to spend sometime to reconfigure my client’s website so it could be accessed. I said this is very tedious, and called them asking why this things always happened. And their answer was simple, they said “They accidentally turned the server off”. That was horrible, they don’t have schedule maintenance.

I had enough with that hosting provider and I decided to migrate all my clients’ websites to by recommendation of a friend. That was a hard learned experience which a I always share to my colleagues.

I am a trainer with the Dept of Computer Science, FSTM, KUIS focusing Web & Mobile Programming. That's why when I explain to my students on how to choose a web hosting service, pick the one that has good credibility.  And frankly I advice them to use Since I put my clients' websites at I never experience about their website cannot be accessed.  And I have never been asked to change my database name or address because of a server malfunction. Because as a webmaster, if you were forced to change any of your server setting, it could be a nightmare. There're a lot of web applications that rely on these information. Changing them accidentally could cause your website to malfunction.  It’s not good for your company's credibility.

On Sunday 15 Jan 2017, one of the website I maintained was DOWN ( K*****.my ). Immediately send a ticket and the next day got an email from asking for the details of the problem. One hour later the site is UP again. Fortunately they did a daily backup of my website, and simply restore from the backup on 14th Jan 2017.

Thank you exabytes...

This is a lecture slide that mentions is my preferred web hosting solution.



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