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Blogging as a learning tool

Assignment for Internet/Web Programming II.

One of the usage of blogging is to disseminate knowledge, and facilitate discussion about anything. It also can be a useful tool in teaching and learning process.

You are required to find a good article (journal or proceeding) about the usage of blog in the teaching and learning environment in the higher learning institution. You also required to provide a 100 words synopsis about the article you have chosen.  Use Google Scholar to facilitate your searching.

Send the URL of the article by posting a comment for this entry. Pls provide your full name, email, and matrix number in the content of your comment.




  1. Name:

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  2. Name :Mohd Salwan Bin Mohd Sulaiman
    URL :


    Nowadays, blogging rapidly become most popular in website community. This is because blogging is the place that authors or blogger can interact with visitors through an open discussion, giving an opinion and so on. Blogging also as essential online where author publish series of chronological, updatability which reader who invite to comment. What is important here, blogging become as a study way or education tools that require student to learn more about it. Students who awkwardly using a blogging doesn’t need to concern because blogging now become more user friendly and easier to understand. In here, student be able to familiar using this function as example they will able to upload the bulletin, share their opinion or anything that they are think it possibly good for them. Here is beneficial come out using blogging like assisting student to become subject matter expert, enhance students interest in learning, giving students chance participate into community of practice and lastly is providing opportunity for variety of perspective. So now, truly what people said blogging properly are tools as educational learning.

    URL :

    The analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative data collected in the study shows
    students to be broadly in favour of the continued use of blogs as an effective aid to teaching and
    learning. It is clear, though, that results would likely have been more positive had there been greater direction at the beginning of the project as to how one went about blogging, and what students could Expect to get out of it. With the benefit of hindsight, it was probably a mistake to include contributions to the MBA or any position of educational blog as an optional assessment item. Some students clearly submitted solely for the sake of getting the marks (invariably the weaker students) and this detracted from the Overall quality of the experience for some students.
    It would appear from a review of the literature on the subject and of current practice at universities that blogs and academic discourse are natural allies.
    Blog pundit John Hiler has described the blog as 'the latest disruptive technology', the 'killer app' that has the capacity to engage people in collaborative activity, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate, where complex and expensive technology has failed (Hiler, 2003). Indeed, the great beauty of blogs
    is their versatility.

    A blog has to be owned and operated by an individual. There are group blogs, family blogs,
    Community blogs, and corporate blogs, and then there are blogs defined by their content; eg.
    'War Blogs' (a product of the Iraq War), 'LibLogs' (library bogs), and 'EduBlogs', a new type of blog that has begun to emerge in higher educational circles.
    Blogs are perhaps the most obvious realization of Allen's vision to provide a forum for academic
    discourse that reaches beyond the scope of a university subject and which augments the knowledge
    creation occurring throughout a student's enrolment in a higher education program.
    Students have long learned as much from each other as they have from an instructor or a textbook.

    METRIK :07BB01049
    URL :
    SYNOPSIS :Important for , Creating communities , encouraging and responding to sharing that information and a system for eliciting feedback. Functions .,Social ,Students’ local support can vary enormously and learning can be isolating.. Educational ,discussion items, ‘learning community’ .Professional ,Students , share and compare their working practices Examination Workshop are ‘Point of need’ ,Undergraduates can try revision and exam techniques Peer Learning ,students share tips and concerns and learn different approaches. Mock Exams , set the weekend before the exams . Independent learning through guided self-assessed exercise and revision. Electronic Publishing . Assessment appropriate to medium , students create a web site and post it anonymously, they evaluate a web site, Peer Learning. Students share advice, mailboxes demonstrating conferencing skills , Technical Information ,the tutor has created a useful FAQ site from student queries over time., Updating the Module: Students learn the latest developments , such as the impact and Showcase for student work and talent , web pages are displayed for students

  5. Name:Siti Rosila Binti Baharin @ Bahadon
    Matrix :07BB01046
    URL of the article :

    Synopsis : An exploratory principal components analysis of forty use statements resulted in an eight factor solution. Additionally, student responses to a computer-administered survey instrument were collected and analyzed revealing significant differences in the way that students describe their use of the WWW. Gender, grade level, and amount of time spent using the WWW were used to create between-group comparisons of the WWW use categories that made up the computer-administered survey instrument. The final phase of data analysis was a content analysis of sites visited by students. A total of 123,071 URLs were collected from the computers used to administer the computer survey instrument. These were reduced to a total of 500 sites that were reviewed by media specialists. Students were found to be visiting commercial sites at a much higher proportion than those in other domains. Also, the commercial sites received the lowest rating for "suitability for academic research" of all the domain names. And while students reported their purpose for using the WWW as "research and learning" fifty-two percent of the time, the coders found only twenty-seven percent of the sampled sites to be "suitable" for that purpose.

    Matrix num:0738001

    Blogs and podcasts are making their way into traditional college classrooms, changing the way students learn and professors teach.
    Learning becomes more interactive and can take place in the middle of the night. "Many a quiet student has really come to life on their blogs," said UA lecturer Bill Endres, who uses blogs in English courses. "Some students actually have become stars in the social realm in classes, because students think their blogs are funny." The trend is inspired by students, who are no strangers to blogging and podcasting in their daily lives. In the past few years, Arizona State University and UA have started services to help professors add blogs and podcasts to their classrooms.
    It's by no means the norm in the traditional college classroom, even though many online classes use blogs and audio lectures. On campus, a professor with a blog or podcast is considered on the cutting edge and even a bit daring by his peers.
    Even those who use the technology had to overcome reservations. "If you are only listening to the lectures, you aren't seeing what they write on the board, he said. ASU computer-science Professor Subbarao Kambhampati has one of the more active blogs. The computer-science professor started his blog in the fall after years of sending daily e-mails to his students.
    A blog seemed like a natural extension. University officials predict that professors and students will use even more technology in the classrooms. Technology devices will become smaller and more powerful. Professors likely will begin making video of their lectures available.

    Matrix num:0738024

    The main reason people would like to use a blog is to get the students writing and thinking critically,outside the classroom. A course on gender theory invites critical reflection, and active reading. It would be great if students could post their comments, ideas, or questions, to have other students react. Also, it would be a good forum to continue class discussions after hours. Students are reluctant to use it. Blog might be more attractive, because it is easier to access, new content is signaled by RSS feeds.The comment function could be very useful for stimulating debate among students, and might give students who are more confident writers than speakers a different way of partaking in the discussion.
    The blog could be a receptacle for all kinds of links to online journals on gender and feminist criticism, other weblogs and institutions. Students could contribute their own links, explaining in a post why this link should be added to the list.
    It could lead students to read more blogs on gender and feminist criticism, widening their learning context.I would like to create one blog with multiple users, so that all students can post and comment. I have read some advice against this, though - group blogs only seem to work with experienced bloggers.
    A PhD research by Anne Bartlett-Bragg at Sydney University in 2005 suggests that blogging can help students to think and write critically.A huge post on blogs as a teaching tool with lots of useful links at Information Visualization. It takes some time to load, but it’s worth the wait.An article on using blogs to teach philosophy at the Academic Commons.

  8. Name : Farahhin Bt Yahya
    Matrix : 0738034
    URL :

    Synopsis :
    'Blogging' - a contraction of the term 'web logging' - is perhaps best described as a form of micro-publishing. Easy to use, from any Internet connection point, blogging has become firmly established as a web based communications tool. The blogging phenomenon has evolved from its early origin as a medium for the publication of simple, online personal diaries, to the latest disruptive technology, the 'killer app' that has the capacity to engage people in collaborative activity, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate (Hiler, 2003). Many blogs have large and dedicated readerships, and blog clusters have formed linking fellow bloggers in accordance with their common interests. This paper explores the potential of blogs as learning spaces for students in the higher education sector. It refers to the nascent literature on the subject, explores methods for using blogs for educational purposes in university courses (eg. Harvard Law School), and records the experience of the Brisbane Graduate School of Business at Queensland University of Technology, with its 'MBA blog'. The paper concludes that blogging has the potential to be a transformational technology for teaching and learning.

  9. Name : Siti Sumaiyyah Bt Hj Azman
    URL :

    As a valuable e-learning tool, blogging can be used in a number of ways to engage students in discussion, exploration,
    and discovery. It is appropriate for both hybrid and fully online courses. As my institution's primary support person for
    instructional blogging, as well as an instructor who has integrated blogging into his teaching, I can attest that it works
    best when integrated into a coherent pedagogical approach, vested in an appropriate educational theory, and updated
    regularly by participants. As more instructors use blogging, we will have the opportunity to assess new applications for
    this emerging instructional technology. It will be interesting, for example, to learn whether blogs promote virtual
    communities after a course has ended and grades have been assigned. More importantly, extending contact between
    instructors and enthusiastic students through a topical blog could provide a practical way to mentor and encourage
    exceptional students to continue their studies in relevant fields.

  10. Name :Megat Mohammad Afiq Bin Megat Muhamad Hamdan
    URL :


    A number of T.A.s in the Department of English have shown with great success that blogs can (and have) been used “to communicate with and encourage more discussion among [their] students beyond [their] time in the classroom.”
    At face value, the blogs may seem more like glorified course webpages, where course material and discussion questions are posted along with information on office hours, deadlines, and marking schemes. But, as the T.A.s found, the real value of a blog lies in its social qualities and its ability to support not only author-reader (or teacher-student) interaction, but inter-reader communication as well:
    We found that using the blog made many students more confident and prepared for in-class discussions. There were some unexpected benefits as well. When students contributed to discussions online, they quickly realized that they weren’t just writing for the teacher. Because of the public nature of the blog, which differs from discussion tools that are private such as in WebCT, students became aware that people from outside the class could read and comment on their contributions to the blog. They began to contribute with a broader audience in mind: not only were students writing for each other, they were potentially writing for everyone on the web.
    The blog, then, outgrows its status as “course website” and becomes a living, changing model of online interaction.

  11. Name :Megat Mohammad Afiq Bin Megat Muhamad Hamdan
    URL :

    A number of T.A.s in the Department of English have shown with great success that blogs can (and have) been used “to communicate with and encourage more discussion among [their] students beyond [their] time in the classroom.”
    At face value, the blogs may seem more like glorified course webpages, where course material and discussion questions are posted along with information on office hours, deadlines, and marking schemes. But, as the T.A.s found, the real value of a blog lies in its social qualities and its ability to support not only author-reader (or teacher-student) interaction, but inter-reader communication as well:
    We found that using the blog made many students more confident and prepared for in-class discussions. There were some unexpected benefits as well. When students contributed to discussions online, they quickly realized that they weren’t just writing for the teacher. Because of the public nature of the blog, which differs from discussion tools that are private such as in WebCT, students became aware that people from outside the class could read and comment on their contributions to the blog. They began to contribute with a broader audience in mind: not only were students writing for each other, they were potentially writing for everyone on the web.
    The blog, then, outgrows its status as “course website” and becomes a living, changing model of online interaction.

  12. "The impact of Internet and WWW to the learning Process"

    There have been many technological
    dawns in the last 30 years, during which the desktop computer and the Internet have been developed; but there have been similar dawns throughout the 20th Century - film, radio, records, broadcast television, audiotape, videotape, programmed learning machines, etc. Each time enthusiasts have announced the transformation or even the end of the school/college/university. In fact, the impact on the bulk of teaching and learning has been minimal. Developments in paper/printing technologies have had far more influence, with the consequence that face-to-face discussion and paper resources still dominate public education. Audio-visual media have been treated more as an icing-on-the-cake than as something at the very heart of learning .As the cost of technology decreases, many universities are finding ways to bring the benefits of the classroom into a distance-learning setting. However, distance teaching has been described as an industrialized form of education, characterized by rationalization of process, division of labor and mass production. The new information and communication technologies can facilitate this development but only if policy makers are sensitive to the opportunities, especially at an international level. Web-based teaching and learning call for a serious reconsideration of the effectiveness, especially in light of increased demand for education and the opportunities for increased student motivation by new technologies if integrated with knowledge-based design sites.

    The operational infrastructure for the effective delivery of a Web-based learning programme is critical to its success. Yet all too often this element is overlooked or seen as incidental to the design and quality of the learning materials themselves. These are the key success factors in teaching/learning that is oriented towards students, who will become autonomous self-learners using the media and the support services. The high quality of the Internet education process means the molding of abilities to learn.Salam Encik Kerul.I'm student repeat Internet Programming1 Diploma E-Commerce.I'm Sorry because I do'nt know assigment send to your Blog.I send to paper and my friend telling me.I'm Sorry cik Kerul.


    MATRIX NO: 08BB01018



    This study, will examine two aspects of computer technology usage by university instructors. Here computer technology serves a supplemental support function that allows an instructor to work more efficiently and productively.Determine prevalent attitudes towards technology among higher education instructors who make minimal usage of technology in their career activities. Determine if individually tailored intervention strategies for dissemination of technology within this group are effective.
    Factors that encourage faculty use of computer technology in instruction and
    obstacles encountered by faculty in their usage of instructional technology and developed a set of
    guidelines for increasing faculty usage of instructional technology.
    activities. Computer technology has shown great promise for transforming traditional modes of
    teaching and learning. Improvements
    in dissemination among faculty of computer technology skills for instruction are likely to result in improvements in instruction. Improvements in dissemination among faculty of computer technology skills
    for non-instructional career activities are likely to result in improvements in faculty productivity and satisfaction.

  14. name of application:



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    MARRIX NO :08BB01014

  16. Name: Nurul Syazani Binti Mahmood
    Matrix: 0738022
    URL :

    Blogs are useful teaching and learning tools because they provide a space for students to reflect and publish their thoughts and understandings. Moreover, they provide opportunities for feedback and potential scaffolding of new ideas. Blogs also feature hyperlinks, which help students begin to understand the relational and contextual basis of knowledge, knowledge construction and meaning making.
    Blogs ,via discussion forums represent the potential to promote interactivity, provide opportunities for active learning, increase student and teacher relationships, increase higher-order thinking skills, and improve flexibility in teaching and learning.
    Blogs provide an environment that is more advanced as a blog essentially becomes a student's personal online soapbox. It gives students full control and ownership over their online content. It becomes a virtual space to try out new concepts that do not have to fit within a hierarchical or topic-based discussion forum.
    The use of blogs helps students become subject-matter experts, increases student interest and ownership in learning, gives students legitimate chances to participate, and provides opportunities for diverse perspectives, both within and outside of the classroom.

  17. Name:Siti Wajihah Binti Torman
    url of the article:

    synopsis:Blog as a tool for teaching
    Blog have become common place on the internet, but in higher education. Methods of publishing scholarship and teaching students typically change at a glacial pace they are still considered experimental. Blog have a lot of potential in scholarship as a space for discussion of print journals or books. This is for helping support academic conferences and even as an alternative to more traditional venues for publishing. Using blog have three basic lesson, first, give students the opportunity to use a new and exciting technology doesn’t mean they will want to use it. The main power of blogs is that nearly anyone with a desire to publish her thoughts for the world to see can do so, but to write in a blog takes a desire to reach an audience in the first place. The second lesson is sometimes blogs do not do a very good job of helping writers interact. Email lists do better, with each reply gong automatically to all the other participants. Discussions on online bulletin board also make interaction easier than on a blog. The sort of bulletin boards that are included with course-management system. The academic blogs are interactive and dynamic in the sense that there is metaphoric discussion and dialogue between bloggers and their texts, it isn’t the same as the literal interaction that takes place via e-mail or in bulletin-board discussions. There are exceptions, but comment spaces on most blogs are blank and generally, the comments that appear are reactions to the writer’s original post rather then efforts to engage in the sort of conversation that characterizes most e-mail and bulletin board discussion. Blogs work best for publishing individual texts that are more or less finished. Blog writing is most commonly compared to journalism and to writing in a diary or journal and although those comparisons are not perfect, they are fairly accurate. That assignment could easily be accomplished on paper but there are several advantages to using blogs. First, don’t have to haul around a bunch of student notebooks. Second, students can include direct links to materials they find relevant to their entries on paper a mere citation is the best a student can do. Third, the blogs exist in a public space, students can read and comment on each other’s entries. Blogging is becoming more useful as a teaching tool thanks to the efforts of teachers who are experimenting with it. Using blogs a student publishing space and as an alternative to e-mail discussions, many academic bloggers are experimenting with more complicated and feature-rich open-source software.

    URL of the article:

    synopsis:Blog have become common place on the internet, but in higher education. Methods of publishing scholarship and teaching students typically change at a glacial pace they are still considered experimental. Blog have a lot of potential in scholarship. This is for helping support academic conferences and even as an alternative to more traditional venues for publishing. Using blog have three basic lesson, first, give students the opportunity to use a new and exciting technology doesn’t mean they will want to use it. The main power of blogs is that nearly anyone with a desire to publish her thoughts for the world to see can do so, but to write in a blog takes a desire to reach an audience in the first place. The second lesson is sometimes blogs do not do a very good job of helping writers interact. Email lists do better, with each reply gong automatically to all the other participants. Discussions on online bulletin board also make interaction easier than on a blog. The academic blogs are interactive and dynamic in the sense that there is metaphoric discussion and dialogue between bloggers and their texts. There are exceptions, but comment spaces on most blogs are blank and generally, the comments that appear are reactions to the writer’s original post rather then efforts to engage in the sort of conversation that characterizes most e-mail and bulletin board discussion. Blogs work best for publishing individual texts that are more or less finished. Blog writing is most commonly compared to journalism and to writing in a diary or journal and although those comparisons are not perfect, they are fairly accurate. Blogging is becoming more useful as a teaching tool thanks to the efforts of teachers who are experimenting with it. Using blogs a student publishing space and as an alternative to e-mail discussions, many academic bloggers are experimenting with more complicated and feature-rich open-source software.

    Matrix Number : 0738028
    URL :

    The history of blogging are began around 1996 and involved the regular posting of “items”. It is visual representation, incorporating other such features like links and comments, RSS or .Really Simple Syndication., allows users to literally subscribe to a web page and receive complete or summarized new content.

    As a result of these communicative attributes, blogs have been used in educational settings in a number of different roles. In particular, educators have struggled with participation, getting learners to extend themselves in the environment, conducting collaborative tasks using blogs and the challenges of renegotiating “private” reflective tasks into the public arena. While the resulting feedback indicated a degree of satisfaction and no objection to the use of blogs, there was little to indicate any significant shift in student perceptions and activity in the learning environments.

    This is a particularly persuasive perspective as studies in which aggregation and the individual use of blogshas been broadly used and focused upon have produced quite different results. For example, Gibson (2004) described his development of a .learning blogosphere. in the University of Michigan’s School of Business as aiming to achieve a .view on what students were learning and where they were encountering problems in a relatively unstructured and technically challenging learning task.. Similarly MacColl et al. (2005), while constrained to a degree on their use of aggregation, focused their blogs on individuals. They mandated posting for a number of different courses yet left significant room for manoeuvre within their assessment guidelines and conclude that .overall we view the introduction of blogs into our studio courses as successful.. This approach of “incorporating subversion” (Farmer 2004) is also much in line with successful individualistic design of online learning environments. Indeed, for MacColl et al.,the individualization of the blogging experience was significant in that it allowed for the students to express themselves through “heavily customizing their blogs and requesting more advanced functionality”.

    A current research project being conducted within the Faculty of Education at UTS, is investigating the development of knowledge through the use of blogs leading to the formation of personalized collaborative learning networks. The research project is currently in the early stages of data collection and it is too early to report any significant findings. However, early results indicate that the learners’ experience has been challenging, yet positive, with students reporting enhanced levels of understanding of the subjects being studied through the process of publicly writing, researching and participating with others in networks across their blogs. The access to experts and other professionals beyond the boundaries of the classroom environment has been perceived as one of the most valuable aspects of the blog publishing activity.

    As a result of and considering these multiple experiences the following blog based online learning environment is proposed and contrasted with a traditional environment found in most higher educational contexts. In a traditional learning management system communication, content and participants are generally segmented into specific areas such as discussion boards, .learning modules. and synchronous chat environments. However, in a blog based Online Learning Environment while content may be accessed from a particular location it is seen to be an integral part of each blogs production through links, commentary and more. Further,communication between participants is centred upon the each individual and facilitated through individual and group aggregation, comments on individual blogs and the use of hyperlinks by the participants.The capacity for participants to post to multiple categories through particular blogging tools allow then to actively belong to multiple communities and the use of communication tools such as instant messaging allow for interaction extended beyond the discussion board area.


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