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The next conference – World Conference in IT 2010

All accepted papers of the conference will be published in Procedia-Computer Science Journal (ISSN: 1877-0509) by ELSEVIER ( and will be indexed ScienceDirect, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science)

For more information:

Important Dates

• Abstract Submissions                            July 30, 2010*

• Full Paper Submissions                         August 15, 2010**

• Early Registration                                    September 10, 2010

• Conference Dates                                    October 06-10, 2010

The conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers, engineers, system analysts, software developers, graduate and undergraduate students with government and non-government organizations to share and discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge about information technology in the scientific environment. So, we invite all colleagues, researchers, academicians, engineers and project leaders around the world to submit their outstanding and valuable original research articles and review papers to this leading international conference.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by ELSEVIER ( and will be indexed Science Direct, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science). Beside these, there are keynote speakers including the latest development, and workshops. You also have chance to discuss about your works which you want to publish with the editors of the most respectable journals of the world, and get warm connection with them.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to; the following major topics as they relate to the information technology:

· Algorithms

· Artificial Intelligence

· Biometrics

· Biosensors

· Cellular Automata

· Computer Architecture

· Computer Graphics

· Computing Methodologies

· Data Mining

· Data Warehouse and Applications

· Database Systems

· Decision Support Systems

· Digital Ecosystems

· Digital Forensics

· Distance Learning

· Distributed Learning Environments

· E-business

· E-commerce

· Educational Applications

· Educational software

· Educational Technologies / Educational Computing

· E-government

· E-marketing

· E-publishing

· Expert systems

· Fuzzy Logic

· Genetics Algorithms & Programming

· Hardware Design

· Human Computer Interaction

· Human Tracking Technologies

· Industrial Applications

· Information Policy Making

· Information Retrieval Systems

· Information Systems Engineering

· Information technology & Agriculture

· Information technology & Architecture

· Information technology & Arts and Design

· Information technology & Commerce

· Information technology & Health

· Information technology & Languages

· Intelligent and Fuzzy Information Processing

· Intelligent Tutoring Systems

· Interactive Learning Environments

· Internet Applications

· Internet Security

· Knowledge Engineering

· Knowledge Management

· Learning Management Systems

· Medical Informatics

· Mobile Computing

· Mobile Devices

· Mobile learning

· Multimedia Applications

· Networked Tools

· Parallel Computing

· Programming Languages

· Remote Laboratories / E-lab

· Social computing

· Software / Distributed Systems

· Software Engineering

· Sport Applications

· Tele-learning

· Video Conferencing

· Wearable Computing

· Web Based Language Development

· Web Services

· Wireless and ad-hoc Networks


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