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Android Apps Development


2010-07-28 17.27.34  android-logo 

With sifoo Wenjiun (middle) of @CodeAndroidMy  in the 3 days training (26-28 July 2010).

The next training to attend; Application Development on Android.

Why Android? I strongly believe this is an open platform that freely (as in freedom) customized for the developer to enhance and customize. It’s also a smart phone platform that does not limit creativity.

Beginning Android Development (3 days – 26,27 & 28 July 2010)

This workshop is brought to you in conjunction with CodeAndroid Malaysia!

Register Now!

This workshop is a hands-on guide to designing and building mobile applications using Google's Android open-source platform. The course explains what Android is, the Android SDK, all essential features, as well as the advanced capabilities and APIs such as background services and notifications.

This complete hands-on workshop encourages participants to learn by building a real-life working application, which can serve as a basis for their future Android projects. By the end of the course, each participant will have a complete functional Android application incorporating most of the key features of the platform.


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Build your own Android apps.
  • Understand how Android applications work, their life cycle, manifest, Intents, and using external resources.
  • Design and develop useful Android applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.
  • Take advantage of Android's APIs for data storage, retrieval, user preferences, files, databases, and content providers.
  • Utilize the power of background services and notifications.
  • Use Android's communication APIs for internet resources (HTTP).
  • Learn how to use common Web APIs from popular services like Twitter, Flickr,

Course Outline

Day 1


  • The Big Picture
  • Project Structure
  • Inside the Manifest
  • The Development Environment

Creating a Skeleton Application

  • Basic User Interface
    • Using XML-based Layouts
    • Employing Basic Widgets
    • Working with Containers
  • Advanced UI
    • Using Selection Widgets
    • Getting Fancy with Lists
    • Employing Fancy Widgets and Containers
  • User Action
    • The Input Method Framework
    • Applying Menus
    • Showing Popup Messages

Day 2


  • Handling Activity Lifecycle Events
  • Creating Intent Filters
  • Launching Activities and Sub-activities


  • Embedding the WebKit browser
  • Communicating via the Internet
  • Using popular web APIs

Day 3


  • Working with Resources
  • Working with Medias
  • Building a Content Provider

Background Services

  • Creating a Service
  • Alerting Users via Notification

Storing Data

  • Using Preferences
  • Managing and Accessing Local Database
  • Accessing Files


  1. fewh...X lama lagi leh la buat satu course dkat FTSI.Android Development.Cun..


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