That is the tagline for our new program. It’s a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program organised by Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS). It’s a brainchild of FIST, KUIS, aimed to help educate the community on some knowledge related to Information technology.
These are some courses suggested;
Category 1: ICT Skills
- Basic Course on Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Access.
- Ethical Communication Skills in Facebook
- Blog Development
- Security Awareness in ICT
- Graphic Design
- Multimedia & Animation
- .NET Programming
- Java Programming
- PHP Programming
- Easy Web Development using CMS
Category 2: Career and Motivation
- Student Motivation
- Career in ICT
- ICT as a Teaching and Learning
Category 3: Business and ICT
- Blog and Facebook for Business
- ICT and Entrepreneurship
- Web Development for Business
For further clarification regarding this FREE IT Training, please do not hesitate to contact me or Abdul Halim Othman - 0126383165 / abhalim@kuis.edu.my.
Terms and Conditions
- The training could be conducted in KUIS or in your school or in your community center.
- Should the training requires computer facilities, and the training is conducted in your place, the requesting party is responsible to provide the computer and Internet facilities.
- If the training is conducted in KUIS, we will provide the computing facilities (subject to availability). However, the requesting party is responsible to provide transport, food and accommodation deem necessary.
- KUIS reserved the right to reject any request that is beyond capability. This training is also subject to the availability of the trainer.
- Maximum duration of this free training is six (6) hours.
This FREE IT Training is another community service proudly brought to you by FIST, KUIS.
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