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Off to g|malaysia and GDG DevFest KL 2012 (3-4 October 2012)


Dear Khirulnizam Abd Rahman,

g|malaysia 2012 – confirmation
You've got a spot for g|Malaysia's Business, Marketing, Government and Entrepreneur Day on October 3!

Congratulations, you are confirmed to attend g|Malaysia! Over a dozen Googlers from around the world are looking forward to meeting you.

Please read the following information carefully as it contains important details about the event.

Day 1: Business, Marketing, Government and Entrepreneur Day
This day will give you the chance to learn more about our most popular business products - you will learn how to get online with Google+ Pages and Google Maps, how to make your business more efficient with Google Apps, how to improve your website, and much more! Pleasereview the full agenda so you know which sessions you would like to attend.

Our day will kick-off with a keynote from Sajith Sivanandan, Country Manager, Malaysia at Google, and after an invigorating morning, the day will continue with talks on YouTube, Google Maps,AdSense, Analytics and more. Make sure you arrive early and plan to stay until closing.

Meet the Google Team!
Familiarize yourself with the Google Team coming to g|Malaysia! Start interacting with them on Google+ and add them to your Google+ circles! Follow the speakers covering your favorite topics. See the Google Team page for links to the speaker's Google+ profiles.

More about g|Malaysia on Google+
Share your excitement and follow the buzz by using the event hashtag #gmalaysia on Google+!Don’t have a Google+ account? Join the community today!

Date: October 3
Time: 09:00-18:00
Location: Berjaya Times Square Hotel,Kuala Lumpur
Doors will open at 08:00.

Please make sure you arrive early to get your badge and program before the start of the event.

For more information, visit our website or contact us at

See you soon!
The g|Malaysia team


GDG DevFest KL 2012

Dear Khirulnizam Abd Rahman,
You are confirmed!
This email confirms your registration for the 3rd GDG DevFest Kuala Lumpur on 4 October 2012.
The event will be held at Level 14, Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur.
The event will start at 9.30AM.
Registration begins at 8.00AM.
Please bring along this email to the registration booth to get your passes.
Please bring along your own laptop, power extensions (if you may) and backup internet (if all fails) for the codelab session.
For more information, please visit
Nazrul Kamaruddin
Community Manager,
Google Developer Group Kuala Lumpur


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