This training will be organised by KUISCELL Sdn Bhd and targeted to corporate client. Kindly contact me at for request of quotation, or fill in the request form at the bottom of this page.
This is the course outline for 4 days. Should you like to customize the course content and number of days, do not hesitate to inform us. TQvm...
| Short course |
Module | Android App Development for Beginner - Intermediate |
Duration | 4 days (5 hours x 4 days) |
Synopsis | With Android phones being produced by all of the major phone manufacturers and with the addition of new tablet devices, it's no surprise that the Android platform is the fastest growing mobile development platform in the world. In this course, you will learn to develop Android applications using Java and the Eclipse development environment. You will learn basic application development including using the Android mobile camera, working with local database, and playing audio and video files. |
Skills Gained
| At the end of the course, participant should be able to;
- Use Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin to develop and debug Android applications
- Set up text input from the hardware or software keyboard
- Display scrolling lists and grids with custom layouts
- Listen and react to touch events
- Manipulating Audio
- Handling Video
Developing Multimedia Apps |
Who Can Benefit |
- New and experienced application developers who wish to expand their toolset and specialize in developing Android apps for business, education, or personal use
- Developers seeking a career as an mobile applications developer
- Those new to mobile apps development
- Anyone who started building an app and needs help putting all the pieces together.
Prerequisites |
- Experience in Java programming and Object Oriented Programming technique are required.
- A laptop running Windows with approximately 10GB of free disk space and 4GB of RAM.
Day 1 | The Basics
- What Android is all about
- How an Android project is structured
- What is the manifest?
- Creating a simple Android application
Simple GUIs Part One
- Using XML for UI layout
- LinearLayout for columns and rows
- Labels
- Buttons
- Fields
Simple GUIs Part Two
- RelativeLayout
- TableLayout
- Checkboxes
- Radio buttons
Selection Widgets
- The role and use of adapters
- Lists
- Spinners
- Grids
- Auto-completion fields
Menus and Messages
- Adding option menus
- Adding popup menus
- Showing dialogs
- Raising toasts
DAY 2 | Media
- Supported audio formats
- Simple media playback
- Streaming audio
- Supported video formats
- Simple video playback
- Streaming video
- Android's security model
- Adding permissions
- Requiring permissions via the manifest
- Requiring permissions via code
DAY 3 | Databases
- Introducing SQLite
- SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
- Opening and closing a database
- Working with cursors
- Inserts, updates, and deletes
Preferences and Files
- Using shared preferences
- Preference screens
- Preference XML configuration
- Preference change notification
- Simple reading and writing of files
| Handling Rotation Events
- Theory of rotation in Android
- Using onSaveInstanceState()
- Using onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
- Using onConfigurationChanged()
- Blocking screen rotation and using accelerometers
Using Multiple Activities
- Having multiple activities in your project
- Starting other activities from your project
- Getting results from activities
- Using URIs to launch system activities
- Generating the APK
- Distribution options
- Maintenance
Instructor | Khirulnizam Abd Rahman
Master in I.T. (Computer Science), UKM.
Bachelor in I. T. (Computer Science), UKM.
Main developer for m-Mathurat, and Peribahasa Scanner.
Fill-in your quotation request for Android Training here;
Keywords: Android training in Malaysia, corporate Android training, Android for Beginner, Android Workshop, Learn Android, ICT course, Android course in Malaysia.
Salam, if dapat buat training for individual dr uni/ipta lain pun ok juga kan? kalau ada kabar2 kan ye. thanks
ReplyDeleteYou offer good opportunities for the fresher in this Android Development field but I ma very let to read this post .Is there still any possibilities to get training?
ReplyDeleteYou have described good, but we have the short.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the cool training modules Here.