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Android Development Tools for Eclipse by Sanjay Shah and Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

Android Development Tools for Eclipse (ISBN: 9781782161103) by Sanjay Shah and Khirulnizam Abd Rahman, available now.

The book oerview:
  • Build Android applications using ADT for Eclipse
  • Generate Android application skeleton code using wizards
  • Advertise and monetize your applications
Read more for the chapter listing
Chapter 1: Installing Eclipse, ADT, and SDK
  • Introducing the Android platform
  • What is Android?
  • Introducing the Android app
  • What is Dalvik Virtual?
  • Understanding API level
  • How many versions (distributions) Android has?
  • Preparing for Android development
  • Installing the JDK
  • Installing the Android SDK
  • Installing the Eclipse (Juno)
  • Installing the ADT in Eclipse Juno
  • Linking the Android SDK to the Eclipse
  • Summary

Chapter 2: Important Features of the IDE
  • Project explorer
  • Code editor
  • Graphical layout editor
  • Android manifest editor
  • Menu editor
  • Resources editor
  • XML resources editor
  • Graphical user interface designer
  • The configuration chooser
  • The screen layout designer
  • Properties window
  • Debugging pane
  • Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
  • SDK manager
  • Android virtual device manager
  • Running the Application
  • Getting help
  • Summary

Chapter 3: Creating a New Android Project
  • Creating a new Android application project
  • String resources
  • Using the graphical layout designer
  • The XML layout code editor
  • Widget interactions through the source code editor
  • Toast message
  • Running the application on the emulator
  • Running the application on an Android device
  • Summary

Chapter 4: Incorporating Multimedia Elements
  • Adding a TableLayout
  • Adding the image resources
  • Adding ImageView
  • Adding ImageButtons
  • Assigning the widget's ID
  • ImageButtons and handling event
  • Adding audio
  • Adding another screen in the app
  • Adding HTML to WebView
  • Intent and Activity
  • The final product run and test
  • Summary

Chapter 5: Adding RadioButton, CheckBox, Menu, and Preferences

  • Creating a new project
  • Adding a RadioGroup, RadioButton, and a TextField
  • Adding a CheckBox
  • Adding a menu
  • Defining the Strings
  • Defining the Preference screen
  • Hook up
  • Binding the menu and Preference
  • Getting values from Preferences
  • Run the application
  • Summary

Chapter 6: Handling Multiple Screen Types

  • Using wrap_content and match_parent
  • Fragment
  • Defining Fragment and Landscape layout
  • Hook up in the Main Layout file
  • Running the application
  • Optimizing for tablet
  • Persisting the state information during the state transition
  • Summary

Chapter 7: Adding an External Library
  • Creating an account at the AdMob website
  • Adding Site/Application
  • Choosing the Ad Network Mediation
  • Adding AdMob SDK to the project
  • Making changes in the manifest file
  • Adding the AdMob widget/view in the layout file
  • Running the application
  • Summary

Chapter 8: Signing and Distributing APK

  • APK – Android package
  • Preparing for release
  • Compilation for release
  • Generating a private key
  • Signing
  • Alignment
  • Using the Eclipse ADT for release
  • Publishing to Google Play
  • Getting help
  • Summary


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