Call for papers – The AICS2014 Committee cordially invites submission of papers to the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science 2014. The AICS2014 conference is a platform to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all interdisciplinary areas of Artificial Intelligence to share their experience, and exchange and cross-fertilize their ideas.
Venue : Novotel Hotel, Bandung, INDONESIA
Abstract Submission:
Full Paper Submission: send your papers to
“Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Education”
Natural language processing
Machine Translation
Machine Transliteration
Computer Science
Computer Intelligence
Algorithm and Programming
Software Engineering
Fuzzy logic and soft computing
Software tools for AI
Expert systems
Decision support systems
Automated problem solving
Knowledge discovery
Knowledge representation
Knowledge acquisition
Knowledge-intensive problem solving techniques
Knowledge networks and management
Intelligent information systems
Intelligent web-based business
Intelligent agents
Intelligent networks
Intelligent databases
Intelligent user interface
AI and evolutionary algorithms
Intelligent tutoring systems
Reasoning strategies
Distributed AI algorithms and techniques
Distributed AI systems and architectures
Neural networks and applications
Heuristic searching methods
Languages and programming techniques for AI
Constraint-based reasoning and constraint programming
Intelligent information fusion
Search and meta-heuristics
Swarm Optimization
Integration of AI with other technologies
Evaluation of AI tools
Social intelligence (markets and computational societies)
Social impact of AI
Emerging technologies
Applications (including: computer vision, signal processing, pattern recognition, face recognition, finger print recognition, education, emerging applications, …)
Machine Learning
- General Machine Learning Theory
- Statistical learning theory
- Unsupervised and Supervised Learning
- Hierarchical learning models
- Relational learning models
- Meta learning
- Stochastic optimization
- Simulated annealing
- Heuristic optimization techniques
- Neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Multi-criteria reinforcement learning
- Multiple hypothesis testing
- Decision making
- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
- Graphical models
- Gaussian graphical models
- Cross-Entropy method
- Ant colony optimization
- Time series prediction
- Fuzzy logic and learning
- Inductive learning and applications
- Grammatical inference
- General Graph-based Machine Learning Techniques
- Graph-based semi-supervised learning
- Graph clustering
- Graph learning based on graph transformations and grammars
- Graph learning based on graph matching
- Information-theoretical approaches to graphs
- Motif search
- Network inference
- General issues in graph and tree mining
- Computational Intelligence
- Induction of document grammars
- Supervised and unsupervised classification of web data
- General Structure-based approaches in information retrieval, web authoring, information extraction, and web content mining
- Latent semantic analysis
- Intelligent linguistic
- Aspects of text technology
- Computational vision
- Computational Statistics
All accepted papers with author registration, complete fee payment, presentation at the conference and subject to approval of Editorial Board will be published in the e-Proceeding of the Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science and ICT 2014. 10-15 best papers will be published in the e-Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science and ICT.
You can refer our e-Proceeding for the previous conference, AICS2013 (e-ISBN No 9789 6711 76832).
Selected papers also will be recommended to be published on the AICS Journal on Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science – (ISSN: pending for approval ) or MyJICT – Malaysian Journal of Information Communication Technology
Contact info
Koperasi KOKISDAR,
Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS)
43000 Kajang, Selangor, MALAYSIA.
Phone : +6012 220 6954 (Dr Mokmin Basri)
WhatsApp/Viber : +6012 220 6954
E-mail :
Abstract Submission
June 1st, 2014
Submit abstract here
Acceptance of Abstract
June 10th, 2014
Paper Submission
not later than July 15th, 2014
Acceptance of Paper
July 25th, 2014
Early-bird Fee untill
August 10th, 2014
Conference Dates
15 & 16 September 2014
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