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Android Studio Training ( Mobile Programming )

Course Outline

Pre-requisite: Know Java OOProgramming
Make sure to install the latest Android Studio prior to attending this training. 
Day 1
0830am - 0900am

0900am - 1030amIntro to Android Apps Development
Dowload Slide Here

1030am - 1130amBeginning Android Project
+ Module is here 
+ Graphic resources download here.

1130am - 1230pmGUI Editor
Spinner Module is Here
+ Better GUI Design
1230pm - 200pmLunch Break
2.00pm - 3.00pmSwipe ViewPager
 + Dowload Slide Here

3.00pm - 4.00pmMultiple Activities
+ Pass Arguments to Intent
+ Receiving parameters using name-value-pair.

4.00pm - 5.00pmPublishing to Google Playstore
Generate Signed APK
+ Publishing App
Slide Download Here

0900am - 1100am
+ Offline Database
Slide download here

1100am - 1300pmGoogle Maps Activity + view

With JSON - Setting up local server & database
+ Login facilities
Day 3
+ Insert a new record
+ Listing & Search

+ Extra shuold time available: Hybrid Apps without Coding

UNITEN firebase module
Online database with Google FIREBASE
+ Download slide here 
+ Code sample in GitHub -
+ Database sample structure file download here

Retrieve and display records from FIREBASE
+ Download slides here


IDE Softwares/Android Studio
(installation will not be covered as it requires downloading big files for additional plugins, kindly install everything prior to attending the training).
ANDROID STUDIO installation (suggested RAM 8GB) - download at
+ Android Studio - make sure to test the installation by creating a new Android project.
+ Make sure to test the emulator (Android virtual device)
+ Warning: all the software need to be downloaded. Requires fast internet line, >2GB (Android Studio & the emulator)

Debugging in Actual Device (phone)
Hardwares/PC requirements
+ on PC - Install the universal ADB debug bridge (eg: )
+ USB data cable

Phone requirements
Should the participants require testing on OWN DEVICE, make sure the phone;
+ developer options enabled, (by tapping 7times to the kernel version - setting, about phone)
+ USB debugging enabled,
+ install via USB enabled,

NEXT - 10th iteration Android Studio 2.3 Training 16 & 17 December 2017 .
  • Venue: Google Meet
  • Date/Time 0900am - 5pm
  • Open TO ALL
  • Fee: Community Service - pay what you can afford (meals & cert not provided)
  • Registration here
Pre-requisite: Good if you know Java or any Programming language

  • BYOL – Bring your own Laptop with RAM capacity >6GB. Install Android Studio 
  • Make sure to install Android Studio prior to attending this training.
  • Bring also a USB data cable and your Android device.

What is Android Studio?
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android platform development.

Based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software, Android Studio is designed specifically for Android development. It is available for download on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and replaced Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as Google's primary IDE for native Android application development.

What will be covered in this training?
The participants will be guided to create an Android app project, and how to handle the project codes and resources. We will add basic GUIs such as textbox, label, button, image, menus, screens and activities.
The second day will be covering multiple screen interactions, local database, and maps. At the end of the training we will generate Android installer file (APK) and publish it to the Google Playstore.

Kenapa perlu hadiri kursus ini?
Statistik daripada IDC mengatakan Android menguasai lebih 80% pasaran telefon pintar dunia pada 2015. Penting untuk pelajar IT/Sains Komputer atau  pengaturcara tahu nak bangunkan applikasi Android.



Modules from Siri4
1. Introduction Slide -
2. Android Studio Tutorial Part1 -
3. USB Android Debug Driver -
4. Slides for day 2 -
5. Android Studio Tutorial Part2 -
6. jSON APIs -

Previous Android Training for Politeknik Dungun, Terengganu.

Previous Android Training for TATIUC, Terengganu.

Previous Android Training for corporate client City University, PJ

Previous Android Training in FSTM,KUIS

Android Training for CyberSecurity Malaysia Officers

We also provide personal coaching, 

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