Call for papers – The AICS2016 Committee cordially invites submission of papers to the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science 2016. The AICS2016 conference is a platform to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all interdisciplinary areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. The conference is hosted by, KOKUIS in collaboration with Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FSTM), International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS), MALAYSIA .
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- Natural language processing
- Machine Translation
- Machine Transliteration
- Computer Science
- Computer Intelligence
- Algorithm and Programming
- Software Engineering
- Fuzzy logic and soft computing
- Software tools for AI
- Expert systems
- Decision support systems
- Automated problem solving
- Knowledge discovery
- Knowledge representation
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge – intensive problem solving – techniques
- Knowledge networks and management
- Intelligent information systems
- Intelligent web-based business
- Intelligent agents
- Intelligent networks
- Intelligent databases
- Intelligent user interface
- AI and evolutionary algorithms
- Intelligent tutoring systems
- Reasoning strategies
- Distributed AI algorithms and techniques
- Distributed AI systems and architectures
- Neural networks and applications
- Heuristic searching methods
- Languages and programming techniques for AI
- Constraint-based reasoning and constraint programming
- Intelligent information fusion
- Search and meta-heuristics
- Swarm Optimization
- Integration of AI with other technologies
- Evaluation of AI tools
- Social intelligence (markets and computational societies)
- Social impact of AI
- Emerging technologies
- Applications (including: computer vision, signal processing, pattern recognition, face recognition, fingerprint recognition, education, emerging applications, …)
- Machine Learning
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