ADMOB is a ads provider that developers may install in their mobile apps. The impressions of the ads in a mobile app could turn into commissions, which is an easy way to monetize your free apps.
Am doing step-by-step tutorials on how to install Admob ads in your Android apps using the latest Android Studio 2.1.3.
I've divided the tutorials in several STEPS;
Am doing step-by-step tutorials on how to install Admob ads in your Android apps using the latest Android Studio 2.1.3.
I've divided the tutorials in several STEPS;
Step 1: Register Admob by having an account with ADSENSE.google.com
Step 2: Add gradle dependencies
Step 3: Do a gradle sync.
Step 4: Add the Internet Access permission in AndroidManifest XML file.
Step 5: Add ADVIEW controller in the layout XML file.
Step 6: Call the AdRequest code in the JAVA file.
Step 4: Add the Internet Access permission in AndroidManifest XML file.
Step 5: Add ADVIEW controller in the layout XML file.
Step 6: Call the AdRequest code in the JAVA file.
*Or maybe you'd like to jup straight to the video provided by the Admob support team.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLLLRUPICcc (Android Studio guide starts at 3:13) and no completed.
Provide us the strength to code...
Step 2: Add gradle dependencies
In the project folder, look for app folder, and the file build.gradle. As shown in the figure below, add the following code line;
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In the project folder, look for app folder, and the file build.gradle. As shown in the figure below, add the following code line;
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:9.4.0'
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Step 3: Do a gradle sync.
Once you save the build.grade file, you will be prompted to do gradle sync for the IDE to support the Google Services controls. Sync Now... be sure to have your internet connection. This could take a while. Complete the sync, or else we could not proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Add the Internet Access permission in AndroidManifest XML file.
Locate the AndroidManifest.xml file (try in folder app > src > main) and add these two lines of additional INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATES permissions as demonstrated in the figure below. Those two permissions are to allow app to use the Internet connection of the device. This is must as the ads to be displayed only available from the admob network/server.
Step 5: Add ADVIEW controller in the layout XML file.
In the XML layout file, add ADVIEW controller to appear in your mobile screen.
***adUnitId - is available from the adsense.google.com . Must change this. Create a new apps ads in adsense. Later we'll provide the tutorial.
Step 6: Call the AdRequest code in the JAVA file.
Once you save the build.grade file, you will be prompted to do gradle sync for the IDE to support the Google Services controls. Sync Now... be sure to have your internet connection. This could take a while. Complete the sync, or else we could not proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Add the Internet Access permission in AndroidManifest XML file.
Locate the AndroidManifest.xml file (try in folder app > src > main) and add these two lines of additional INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATES permissions as demonstrated in the figure below. Those two permissions are to allow app to use the Internet connection of the device. This is must as the ads to be displayed only available from the admob network/server.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
Step 5: Add ADVIEW controller in the layout XML file.
In the XML layout file, add ADVIEW controller to appear in your mobile screen.
ads:adUnitId="ca-app-pub-1880464508972343/2498487914" > </com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView>
***adUnitId - is available from the adsense.google.com . Must change this. Create a new apps ads in adsense. Later we'll provide the tutorial.
Step 6: Call the AdRequest code in the JAVA file.
AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.adView);
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
Run and be sure not to click your own ads while testing. Or else your account will be banned.
All the best...
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