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Joomla Training in Malaysia

Course Outline Joomla 3.6.2
  1. Introduction to Joomla and Website Management
  2. Joomla Installation
  3. Joomla Administrator – Control panel, Content,
  4. Menu - User Menu, Menu Manager
  5. Module, Component, Extension, Plugins
  6. Template Adjustment
  7. Exercises

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Day 1
1.       Joomla Intro
2.       Joomla Installation
2.1   Xampp / Wamp
2.2   Create database
2.3   Transfer folder
2.4   Frontend Installation
3.       Joomla Administrator
3.1   Brief intro to Administrator panel
3.1.1         Control Panel
3.1.2         Global Configuration
i.                     Use URL Rewriting
ii.                   Tukar htacess.txt ke .htaccess
iii.                 Explore Global Configuration
iv.                 Install JCE
v.                   Install JSN Power Admin
3.1.3         User Menu
i.                     User Manager
-          Create User
3.1.4         Content
i.                     Article Manager
-          Create New Article
ii.                   Category Manager
-          Sub Category
iii.                 Featured Articles
iv.                 Media Manager
-      Media Manager Option
-          Add Media From Media Manager
-          Add Media to Article
-          Add Media from Article
v.                   Media Manager
-          Media Manager Option
3.1.5         Menu Manager
i.                     Add new menu
3.1.6         Module for Menu
i.                     Create new module for menu

Day 2
3.1.7         Components
i.                     Explore JSN Power Admin
ii.                   Install new component
iii.                 Explore new component
3.1.8         Extensions
i.                     Module
-          Install module
-          Create custom module
ii.                   Plugin
-          Install plugin
iii.                 Language
3.2   Extension > Template
3.2.1         Free Template Site
3.2.2         Install Template
3.2.3         Customize template

4.       Exercises
4.1   Install Joomla
4.2   Install Template
4.3   Create Article
4.4   Create Menu
4.5   Add Component
4.6   Add Module

4.7   Add Plugin

Joomla Training in Malaysia


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